FUE Hair Transplant2024-07-12T20:22:38+03:00

FUE Hair Transplant

What is FUE Hair Transplant?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a revolutionary method in the field of hair transplantation. FUE involves the extraction of individual hair follicles from the donor area and their transplantation into balding or thinning areas. This technique is distinguished from other hair transplantation methods by its minimally invasive nature and natural results.

About MedicalHair Clinic

MedicalHair Clinic is recognized as a pioneer in FUE hair transplantation in Izmir and Turkey. Our clinic provides services through a team of specialists trained by Dr. Sibel Ulusan, utilizing her trademarked technique and the latest technologies to perform hair transplants at the highest quality standards.

Details of the FUE Method

In the FUE method, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area using a specialized device called a micro motor. Each hair follicle is meticulously removed and transplanted to the target area without damage. Local anesthesia is applied during the FUE procedure to ensure patient comfort.


  • Natural Appearance: The FUE method provides a natural hairline and density.
  • Minimally Invasive: This scar-free technique offers a quick recovery process.
  • Low Risk and Complications: The risk of infection is low, and minimal pain is experienced post-procedure.
  • Short Recovery Time: Patients can return to their daily activities within a few days.

The Process

  • Consultation and Planning: Initially, the patient’s hair structure and hair loss condition are evaluated. A personalized transplantation plan is created.
  • Preparation of the Donor Area: The donor area is numbed with local anesthesia, and hair follicles are extracted one by one using the micro motor device.
  • Transplantation of Follicles: The extracted follicles are carefully placed in the recipient area. This process aims to create a natural hairline.
  • Recovery and Follow-up: After the procedure, the patient is thoroughly informed by our clinic’s specialists, and a follow-up process is initiated.

We are here to answer all your questions about Hair Transplantation and your travel to Turkey!

Recovery Time and Results

The recovery time after FUE hair transplantation is quite fast. There may be mild swelling and redness in the first few days. Within approximately 10 days, the scabs fall off and the transplanted hair follicles begin to adapt to their new location. A shedding process may occur within the first three months, but this is a temporary condition. New hair starts to grow from six months onward, and final results are observed within a year.

Hair Transplant Transformations

Before and after images of individuals who have undergone hair transplantation operation at our clinic.

Things to Consider for Those Planning Hair Transplantation

  • Research and Consultation: Individuals considering hair transplantation should thoroughly research the clinic and doctor performing the procedure. At MedicalHair Clinic, led by Dr. Sibel Ulusan, we provide services at the highest standards.
  • Setting Expectations: Sharing your expectations and goals with your doctor before the procedure helps achieve the best results.
  • Post-Procedure Care: Following the instructions given by your doctor during the post-procedure period will speed up the recovery process and enhance the quality of the results.

Fill the form to get your personalized consultation!

Leading Hair Transplant Doctor: Dr. Sibel Ulusan


FUE hair transplantation offers an effective and permanent solution for individuals experiencing hair loss. Under the leadership of Dr. Sibel Ulusan, MedicalHair Clinic provides hair transplantation services using the latest technologies and specialized techniques, ensuring confidence and satisfaction for its patients. Choose MedicalHair Clinic to regain your hair and achieve a natural appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is suitable for FUE hair transplantation?2024-07-12T05:06:52+03:00

FUE hair transplantation is suitable for individuals experiencing hair loss and having sufficient donor hair follicles. Both men and women can benefit from this method.

What should I be careful about after FUE hair transplantation?2024-07-12T05:05:11+03:00

It is important to protect your head for a few days after the procedure, avoid heavy activities, and follow your doctor’s care instructions. Be careful not to touch the transplanted area.

How long is the recovery process?2024-07-12T05:01:41+03:00

Mild swelling and redness may occur in the first few days. Scabs typically fall off within about 10 days. Satisfying new hair begins to grow within six months, and final results are observed within a year.

Is FUE hair transplantation operation painful?2024-07-12T04:28:27+03:00

Since local anesthesia is applied during the procedure, the patient does not feel any pain. Mild discomfort may be felt after the procedure, but this is usually short-lived.

How long does a FUE hair transplant operation take?2024-07-12T04:25:12+03:00

The FUE hair transplant procedure usually takes between 6-8 hours, depending on the number of grafts to be transplanted. However, in our clinic, it typically takes at least 10-12 hours. This is because we implement additional procedures compared to other clinics to ensure better results.

Real Reviews

Real testimonials from our patients sharing their hair transplantation experiences and results.

The transplantation was performed by Dr. Sibel’s expert team on May 9, 2023. The nurses closely monitor everything before and after the operation. I went there based on a friend’s recommendation. I’m really glad I did. I didn’t expect it to be this good. I looked at different places in Izmir and received a few suggestions from Istanbul as well. I recommend that people from Istanbul come here instead of me going there. I can say I’ve evolved. Don’t believe those who say baldness suits you, I realized it doesn’t once I got my hair transplant ;)

Yusuf Bey

I had a hair transplant at Dr. Sibel Ulusan’s clinic in 2020. Whether it’s their personalities, their success in their work, or the results I received, I was satisfied with everything. Looking back, I can clearly see that I made the right decision. For those who are hesitant, don’t be. I made the decision after much consideration and difficulty, but now I’m very glad I did. May God bless your path and future, Dr. Sibel 👋

Celal Bey

I had it done 2 years ago and I am very satisfied. I would like to thank the MedicalHair family very much. Thank you for everything; I would advise against going elsewhere and leaving your results to chance. Dr. Sibel, you did an excellent job. Wonderful. I am sharing my results with before and after photos, even before a year has passed.

Kenan Bey

This is definitely the place that made me wish I had done a hair transplant earlier. I was very pleased with the attention and care they showed during and after the transplant process. Now, no one believes I’m 35 years old :) Thank you very much.

Hakan bey

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